Benefits Of Blood Letting For Donors And Recipient

Manila,Philippines- June 12,2011,Untv37 and MCGI donated 2,601 bags of blood to National Red Cross.
World Health Organization and partners hold annually the World Blood Donation Day every 14th of June.

However, Untv37 and MCGI made it possible every 3 months to donate blood to National Red Cross. This blood donating campaign is aimed; to raise awareness of the need for safe blood; and to give thanks to all volunteers and participants of this noble cause. This public service of MCGI started more than a decade ago and Untv37 CEO Daniel Razon formed the Blood Donor Society and become a committed

partner of the Philippine National Red Cross.

Blood letting is beneficial to both; recipient and the donor. Donating blood is a noble cause to save lives. Blood donation burns the extra calories and cholesterol level. It stimulates the production of new blood cells and refreshes the system. Regular basis of donating blood will help your body regulates the level of

iron and can reduce the risk of heart diseases especially among young people. You do not need to be like superman to save lives, all you need to do is take care of your health to be a qualified donor. The blood you are donating will not only save others life, but maybe your own or your family.

While Science and Technology struggle to find substitute for human blood, the increasing need of blood and other related cases such as dengue is alarmingly increase this year. Once again, Untv37 and MCGI group will hold a Mass Blood letting on Sunday September 11, 2011, to its 44 local chapters nationwide. Regular blood donors will again re-unite for this charity and their goal to save life.

Life is precious, blood is life, donate blood and SAVE LIVES!

Article Written By juny

An artist by heart ❤️

Last updated on 28-07-2016 2K 0

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